Shorts 14+: Home and Away

Canada/Sweden 2024

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Who am I and who are the others? How can I be myself without breaching borders? Or does the path to genuine selfhood inevitably lead beyond the familiar and accepted norms? Shorts about the interplay between us and the great, wide field of the rest. Revolutionem Cognitivam ehk väike leksikon elektromagneetilistest kehadest / Revolutionem Cognitivam or an Incomplete Lexicon of Your Electromagnetic Body Estonia 2023, 6 min., no dialogue, germ. st, 14 years and older R: Ariel Genrihov, Anu Kadri Uustalu, Agnes Milla Bereczki K: Ariel Genrihov, Anu Kadri Uustalu, Agnes Milla Bereczki D: Ariel Genrihov P: Lyza Jarvis, Eesti Kunstiakadeemia / Estonian Academy of Arts German premiere A young woman awakens: head to toe in glittering beads and incessantly reflecting the outer world. The inner world is projected outwards in reflexive gestures of self-assurance. A metro ride; a party. The glances; the beating of the heart; the plucking, scratching, hooking of the fingers become more and more restless. The glittery shell flakes off like peeling wallpaper. What is left? Splittet / Torn Denmark, SE 2023, 28 min., arab., swed., engl. ov, germ. st, 14 years and older R: Jahfar Muataz B: Jahfar Muataz, Frederik Rye K: Anthon Falkenstrøm Tougaard D: Baider Al Jasim, Hussein Haider Kazen, Sherin Habib Shokr, Anas Al-Ethawi P: Alexander Nielsen, Hyæne Film, Carbs Films W: Manifest Pictures German premiere After the fall of the dictator Saddam Hussein, Malik, 14, moves from Sweden back to Iraq with his parents. But he feels just as foreign in Iraq as he did in Sweden. There, he was the "Iraqi"; for the Iraqi family, he is the "Swede". Confronted with rejection, mistrust, and his own inner turmoil, Malik has to fight for identity and belonging in his new old homeland. Kanskje det var elefanter / Maybe Elephants Norway, CA 2024, 17 min., norw., swahili ov, germ. st, 14 years and older R: Torill Kove B: Torill Kove P: Lise Fearnley, Maral Mohammadian, Tonje Skar Reiersen, Mikrofilm, National Film Board of Canada German premiere Torill looks back on her childhood, on carefree days and recurring rituals. She remembers the dark cloud that made her mother restless, the family’s move to Nairobi, her first kisses, and the slow drifting apart of her family. Did her mother really chase elephants? Or are they just a symbol of the desire for something to hold on to in turbulent times?

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Original title:

Shorts 14+: Das Eigene, das Fremde


16:9 HD, Color

Age Recommendation:

Starting at 14 years

Age rating: