Sweden 2024

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After an argument, the siblings Magdalena and Enzo go to Helsinki on the ferry "Viking" to figure out their relationship. For the crossing, they buy vodka and gigantic bags of crisps. They argue, they laugh, they take their books in hand and we hear what they read. In between, the camera leaves the two alone and explores life on the ship in an almost documentary manner. A band plays melancholic pop music, and the rows of bottles on the shelves rattle menacingly in the rough seas. Once in Helsinki, the two drift through the rainy city, which exudes a glamour all of its own. While at a museum, they ponder the interrelation between art and life. Open to any kind of encounter, at a cemetery they meet a man reading Camus. As the two siblings recalibrate their relationship, the film finds different ways to relate it. The analogue 35mm footage adds texture and sensuality to the images.

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Astrid Drettner (Magdalena)

Georgios Giokotos (Enzo)

Original title:



16:9 HD, Color

Age rating:

FSK 18