The Day Iceland Stood Still

United States/Iceland 2024

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On October 24, 1975, much of Iceland came to a standstill. Stores were closed, newspapers weren’t published, and dishes weren’t washed. On that momentous day, the country’s women went on strike. They were protesting the undervaluation of their work, in offices, factories, and at home; calling for their voices to count; and objecting to being excluded from important parts of society. An amazing 90 percent of Iceland’s female population took part in the mass action, ensuring that the day would go down in history. This documentary gives a chance for those erstwhile protestors to speak, using their words and vivid archival footage to depict how a simple idea became a revolution – today, Iceland is one of the leading countries in the world for gender equality. The film creates an arresting memorial to the brave and funny women whose actions triggered that progress.

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